BMI Calculator | Success Fitness

Jan 4, 2018
BMI Calculator

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a widely used measurement that calculates an individual's body fat based on their height and weight. It provides an estimate of whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. The BMI formula is simple: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m^2).

Why is BMI important for your health?

Understanding your BMI is essential for assessing your overall health. It helps determine if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to make lifestyle changes to achieve a healthier weight. Maintaining a healthy BMI can reduce the risk of various health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Using the Success Fitness BMI Calculator

The Success Fitness BMI Calculator is a powerful tool to help you monitor your weight and assess your health status. To use the calculator, simply enter your weight and height in the provided fields, and the calculator will instantly determine your BMI.

How to interpret your BMI results

Once you have calculated your BMI, it is important to understand the meaning of the results. The following BMI categories can help you determine where you stand:

  • Underweight (BMI less than 18.5): Being underweight may indicate poor nutrition or certain medical conditions.
  • Normal weight (BMI between 18.5 and 24.9): Falling within the normal weight range suggests a healthy body weight.
  • Overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9): Being overweight increases the risk of developing health problems.
  • Obese (BMI of 30 or higher): Obesity is associated with a higher risk of various health conditions.

What to do with your BMI results

Your BMI is just one indicator of your health, and it is important to consider other factors such as muscle mass and body composition. If your BMI falls outside the healthy range, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer to develop a personalized fitness and nutrition plan.

Tips for achieving a healthy BMI

Maintaining a healthy BMI requires a combination of regular physical activity and a balanced diet. Here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight:

  • Engage in regular exercise: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.
  • Include strength training: Incorporate strength training exercises at least twice a week to build and maintain muscle.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive sodium and added sugars.
  • Avoid crash diets: Instead of extreme diets, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that promote long-term weight management.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to support overall health and successful weight management.
  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, as lack of sleep can affect weight regulation and overall well-being.


In conclusion, the Success Fitness BMI Calculator provides an easy and convenient way to assess your body fat and determine if you are within a healthy weight range. Remember, your BMI is just one piece of the puzzle, and it is important to take into account other factors such as muscle mass and overall body composition. If you have concerns about your BMI, consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert who can guide you towards achieving your fitness goals and maintaining optimal health.

Cameron Healy
This article brings to light the significance of BMI in maintaining overall health and wellness. Great read!
Oct 31, 2023
Sharif Paytorr
Great tool for tracking your body fat levels! 💪
Oct 14, 2023
Thomas Fergison
I've found this article to be extremely informative and helpful in understanding BMI and its significance for personal health. The BMI calculator mentioned here has become a valuable tool in my health and fitness monitoring. Thank you for the insights!
Oct 11, 2023
Stan Mok
This article details the importance of BMI and how it reflects on overall health.
Sep 28, 2023
Matt Ryan
The simplicity of the BMI formula makes it an accessible tool for understanding personal health. Thank you for the clear explanation.
Jul 27, 2023
Joey Mitchell
Thank you for explaining the importance of BMI and how it relates to overall health. This article provides valuable insights.
Mar 6, 2023
Derek Leib
I've been using the BMI calculator regularly to keep track of my fitness progress.
Mar 2, 2023
Daniel Popil
Understanding BMI is crucial for setting and achieving health and fitness goals.
Feb 1, 2023
Micki Kaleta
Understanding BMI is crucial for managing overall health and well-being.
Jan 27, 2023
Drew Moisant
Understanding BMI is crucial for overall health awareness, and this article has provided clear and practical advice on how to calculate and maintain it effectively. Thank you for the insightful information and guidance.
Jan 20, 2023
Rick Gusmano
This article provides a clear explanation of BMI. Thank you for sharing!
Jan 11, 2023
Lyn Dempsey
I found this article to be a valuable source of information on BMI and its relevance to personal health.
Nov 22, 2022
James Alfano
The BMI formula is straightforward and helpful in understanding personal health.
Nov 20, 2022
Teresa Trusty
Thank you for the practical and clear explanation of BMI and its relevance to personal health. The emphasis on maintaining a healthy BMI and the mention of the BMI calculator has made this article a very informative and valuable resource for health management.
Oct 18, 2022
Daekyung Sung
Thanks to the clear explanation of BMI in this article, I now have a practical tool to manage my fitness journey. The BMI calculator mentioned here is exceptionally useful.
Sep 27, 2022
Matthew Moulton
Maintaining a healthy BMI is essential for overall well-being, and this article has provided valuable information on tracking and managing it effectively. Thank you for the insights and guidance.
Sep 24, 2022
Justin Scott
The BMI calculator explained here has been a useful tool in my health monitoring.
Aug 11, 2022
I found the information on BMI very helpful and applicable to my fitness journey. Thank you for sharing this.
May 18, 2022
Moty Avisar
This article has been incredibly insightful in explaining the significance of maintaining a healthy BMI and providing practical guidance on how to track and manage it effectively. The BMI calculator mentioned here has been instrumental in my health and fitness journey. Thank you for the informative article!
May 4, 2022
The BMI calculator described in this article has been a useful resource for me to monitor my health and fitness progress. I highly recommend using it for tracking personal well-being.
Apr 14, 2022
Terry Turner
Thank you for shedding light on the importance of BMI, and for providing a comprehensive understanding of this essential metric. This article has been a great help in managing my personal health.
Dec 17, 2021
Ashley Judge
I never realized the importance of BMI until I read this article. Thank you for the valuable information!
Dec 3, 2021
Richard Hayes
This article provides a comprehensive understanding of Body Mass Index and its relevance.
Dec 1, 2021
Nancy Larson
Understanding BMI is essential in making informed decisions about health and fitness. Thanks for the helpful article!
Nov 22, 2021
Amanda Schoenemann
This article provides a great overview of BMI and its relevance to individual health.
Nov 21, 2021
Savita Chaudhary
Maintaining a healthy BMI is crucial, and this article has provided valuable information on how to calculate and track it effectively. Thank you for the practical insights and guidance.
Nov 6, 2021
Araceli Cuenca
BMI is an important factor to consider in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Jul 25, 2021
Elena Johnson
The BMI calculator described here has been a convenient tool for me to monitor my health and fitness goals. Thank you for the helpful information!
Jul 9, 2021
Michael Bullock
Maintaining a healthy BMI is a priority for me, and this article has provided valuable information on how to calculate and track it effectively. The BMI calculator mentioned here is a practical tool for personal health monitoring.
Jun 5, 2021
Mary Jones
Maintaining a healthy BMI is key to overall well-being and vitality.
Jun 4, 2021
Tony Hyde
Understanding BMI is vital in recognizing and addressing potential health risks. Thank you for the informative article.
Jun 2, 2021
Mike Nelson
This article has emphasized the significance of BMI in health management and has provided practical information to help individuals monitor their health. Thank you for the valuable insights.
May 13, 2021
Glenda Wiles
The BMI calculator mentioned here provides a practical way to gauge one's fitness progress. Great information!
Apr 4, 2021
Nkem Azu
I've gained a deeper understanding of BMI and its impact on personal health from this article. The practical advice on maintaining a healthy BMI and the mention of the BMI calculator make this article a valuable resource for anyone looking to monitor their health and fitness. Thank you!
Mar 27, 2021
Andre Acacio
The BMI calculator mentioned in the article has been a helpful resource for me in tracking my fitness progress.
Mar 14, 2021
Jp Addison
BMI is an essential indicator for maintaining optimal health. This article explains it very well.
Mar 1, 2021
Edward Mikuta
I appreciate the emphasis on the importance of maintaining a healthy BMI.
Jan 30, 2021
Gail Gardner
It's crucial to monitor BMI for a better understanding of one's health status.
Jan 14, 2021
Rob Bone
I've been more conscious of my BMI since reading this article. It's an important metric for health monitoring.
Oct 11, 2020
Tonya Stockton
Thank you for providing such valuable insights and practical advice on BMI and its implications for personal health. The BMI calculator mentioned here has been a great resource in my health and fitness monitoring. Very helpful article!
Sep 12, 2020
John Viney
I appreciate the simple breakdown of the BMI formula and its implications for health. This article has provided a clear understanding of this essential metric. Thank you!
Aug 13, 2020
Joshua Hays
Understanding BMI is essential, and this article has provided clear and practical guidance on how to calculate and maintain it effectively. The BMI calculator mentioned here is a great tool for anyone looking to monitor their personal health and fitness. Thank you for the valuable insights!
Jul 31, 2020
Conny Kirste
The BMI calculator mentioned here has been a game-changer for me in managing my health and fitness. I highly recommend using it for personal health monitoring.
May 22, 2020
Greg Bingham
I appreciate the simple explanation of Body Mass Index and its significance.
Feb 27, 2020
Priyan V
I've found the information on BMI and its relevance to personal health extremely insightful. Thank you for providing a clear and detailed explanation of this essential metric.
Feb 14, 2020
Understanding BMI is an integral part of maintaining one's health, and this article has provided valuable information in that regard. Thank you for emphasizing its importance.
Feb 7, 2020
Angel Roth
Thank you for emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy BMI for overall well-being.
Feb 3, 2020
Michael D'Onofrio
I've gained valuable knowledge about BMI and its implications for personal health from this article. The BMI calculator discussed here has become an essential tool in my health and fitness journey. Thank you for the helpful information!
Jan 8, 2020
Andrew Goetz
This article highlights the significance of monitoring BMI for overall health awareness.
Dec 29, 2019
Richard Keith
The discussion in this article about BMI and its relevance to personal health has been highly enlightening. The practical advice on BMI calculation and the mention of the BMI calculator make this article a valuable resource for health management. Thank you!
Dec 28, 2019
Bricio Vasquez
Calculating BMI can serve as a valuable tool in setting fitness goals.
Dec 25, 2019
Tbd Tbd
After reading this article, I realized the importance of understanding and maintaining a healthy BMI. It has become a priority for me. Thank you for the eye-opening information.
Dec 17, 2019
Jason Gelman
Calculating my BMI has been instrumental in my fitness journey. Thank you for the information!
Nov 21, 2019
Candice Lane
I've gained a deeper understanding of BMI and its relevance to individual health from this article. The BMI calculator mentioned here has been instrumental in monitoring my health progress. Thank you!
Nov 10, 2019
Sheila Sondak
I've learned a lot about BMI and its role in health management from this article.
Nov 6, 2019
Paula Newkirk
Maintaining a healthy BMI is crucial, and this article has provided practical and valuable advice on how to calculate and monitor it effectively. The clear explanation of BMI, along with the mention of the BMI calculator, has been very insightful. Thank you for the informative article!
Nov 5, 2019
Chris Essler
It's vital to raise awareness about BMI and its implications for individual health.
Oct 2, 2019
Deborah Korinchock
Maintaining a healthy BMI has become a priority for me after reading this informative article. Thank you!
Sep 2, 2019
Ben Mallis
Thank you for highlighting the importance of BMI and for providing practical guidance on how to calculate and monitor it effectively. The BMI calculator mentioned here is a great tool for personal health management. Very informative article!
Jul 29, 2019
Rupak Singh
The BMI calculator discussed in this article has been an invaluable tool in my health and fitness journey. I am grateful for the clear explanation and emphasis on the importance of BMI.
Jul 8, 2019
Add Email
Monitoring my BMI has become a regular practice for me, and this article has been illuminating. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of BMI in health management.
Jun 30, 2019
Alex Zor
I appreciate the comprehensive explanation of BMI in this article. It's essential knowledge for anyone interested in maintaining good health.
Jun 1, 2019
Scott Petersimes
Thank you for explaining BMI in such a clear and informative manner. The BMI calculator mentioned here is a useful resource for anyone looking to monitor their health and fitness progress. Great insights!
May 21, 2019
Sarah Harrison
I've gained valuable insights about BMI from this article that have contributed to my health awareness. Thank you for sharing this informative material.
May 18, 2019
Melissa Brandebourg
This article has been incredibly informative, and I've gained a better understanding of BMI and its importance for personal health. Thank you for the valuable insights.
May 9, 2019
Branimir Madzarevic
The importance of BMI in maintaining overall well-being is clearly highlighted in this article, along with practical advice on how to calculate and monitor it effectively. Thank you for providing such valuable insights and guidance.
Apr 18, 2019
Guido Gabriele
Thank you for explaining BMI in a clear and concise manner. It's an important aspect of health management.
Feb 17, 2019
Eslitehotel Apple
I learned a lot from this article regarding BMI and its implications for health.
Feb 9, 2019
Jeremy Jackson
The BMI calculator mentioned here is a practical resource for anyone looking to track their health and fitness progress. Very informative article!
Jan 21, 2019
Eleanor Champagne
Understanding BMI is essential in maintaining personal health, and this article has provided practical advice on how to calculate and track it effectively. The clear explanation of BMI and the mention of the BMI calculator make this article a very valuable resource.
Dec 8, 2018
Dale Heinrich
Monitoring BMI has become a regular practice for me, thanks to the insights provided in this article.
Oct 13, 2018
Lynette Larango
Thank you for shedding light on the significance of Body Mass Index.
Sep 29, 2018
Alvaro Vega
The BMI calculator mentioned here seems useful for keeping track of weight management.
Sep 27, 2018
Terrell Garren
Tracking my BMI using the calculator described in this article has been an eye-opener for me. Much appreciated!
Sep 18, 2018
Ragu Sundaresan
Thanks to the explanation in this article, I now realize the importance of maintaining a healthy BMI. The BMI calculator mentioned here is a practical tool for anyone looking to monitor their personal health. Great article!
Jul 16, 2018
Charles Jones
Thank you for highlighting the simplicity and importance of BMI in this article.
Jul 1, 2018
Kevin McCallum
This article provides a comprehensive understanding of BMI and its relevance to individual health. The emphasis on maintaining a healthy BMI for overall well-being is much appreciated. Thank you for the valuable insights!
May 12, 2018
Mohamad Rizal
I found this article very informative. It's essential to be aware of one's BMI.
Apr 18, 2018
Emily Baumgarten
This article gives a comprehensive overview of BMI and its implications for health. Very insightful!
Mar 6, 2018
Julia Gabilondo
I've been using the BMI calculator regularly since reading this article, and it has been immensely helpful in my health and fitness monitoring. Thank you for providing such valuable information on BMI and its significance.
Mar 3, 2018
Mark Jensen
I'm grateful for the clear definition of BMI, which has helped me in setting and achieving my fitness targets. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.
Jan 29, 2018